The Daily Roar

We are looking for you, Join us and ROAR!

Wanted: Bloggers/interns journalism

Do you live in Malaysia and are you a writer?, a blogger?, a fashionista?, a camlover? photographer? or all in one!? Then you might me able to produce a nice roar for us. We are looking for young and fresh writers/bloggers to join the team on

On The Daily Roar we love to share news about the Malaysian culture, lifestyle, food, travelling and everything else related to Malaysia and Asia in general. And since we just started we need more enthusiastic people to enhance our ROAR volume to the world!
The Daily Roar is made to entertain people in Malaysia but also to connect Europe more to Malaysia to make them see how great and diverse this country is.

Got interested? Then please contact us by sending a mail to: or just reply below and we will contact you!
Come and ROAR with us!

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