The Daily Roar

8 Amazing Mountain Bike Trails For Your Bucket List

Most mountain bike enthusiasts will tell you that what makes mountain biking more exciting is beyond the thrill of the sport, it’s also the beautiful scenery. Regardless of whether the trail is easy or difficult, sometimes it’s difficult not to stop and take in the beauty of the surroundings. These places are mountain bike trails for a reason! They’re away from the typical tourist spots, far from pollution as four-wheeler vehicles seldom have access to the area, and it’s just pure and untouched.

There was once a biker who traveled the world with his wife and daughter – to join biking trails in many different places; they saw Taiwan, Cape Town and now Queenstown together. If you’re up for an adventure, check out the latest guide to cruiser bikes that you can take along to these amazing mountain bike trails for your bucket list.


France (Provence in the South to the Alps in the North)

France is known as one of the most romantic countries in the world. Far away from the Eiffel Tower are rolling hills and hidden towns where you will find yourself admiring the many castles, or through the secret beaches of Normandy, and up to the Alps crossing Switzerland. From the southernmost point way up to the north, there is always something a biker can see. A trail through France is like jumping from one postcard to another – the scenic views never end.


Spain offers more than just paella and the Sagrada Familia. Take a day off from all these touristy things that bloggers tell you to do – and breathe in nature instead! Southern Spain can give you the best sunset views that you can see, and here’s hoping that while you’re there, you’re on a trail with your loved one as well.


Mountain bikers all over England (and Europe, for that matter) never miss out a biking trip to the highlands of Scotland. Nothing beats the Scottish countryside leading up to the highlands. The air is cold, but the sun is bright enough to keep you warm – so as with the friendly charm and hospitality of the Scottish men. You may think that you will have enough of their Loch’s, but no. Each lake offers an entirely new experience and view. Plus you get to see some castles too – which became filming spots for Harry Potter scenes.


When planning to go across Austria, mountain bike trail organizations highly recommend for you to join organized bike tours. Because European highlands and mountains are very close to each other, these mountain bike trails can even lead you to Germany. Austria’s rolling hills are no match for any other. Most of the path is flat, so this is a relaxing one as well so you can take the time to chill and have a break in one of the local pubs or small cafés by the river and hillside.


South Island, New Zealand

If you’re residing in New Zealand and you are up for a new adventure then you can try this bike trail. Most of the trails on the island can take multiple days. The bonus part is the drop-off points! Some areas will need you to take a boat ride and in some instances even a helicopter! This island is best known for its steep and downhill trips through lush forests leading to beautiful mountain top views of the sea! It will make you feel like you are on top of the world – literally!

North America

Wyoming, USA

Jackson Hole, Wyoming offers a comfortable and smooth trail – traversing through rivers, and even seeing animals like a moose – crossing the area! Every side you look at – there is always beautiful scenery to see – a river here, and a mountain range there. If you are looking solely for a breather and a smooth ride, this trail is perfect for you.

Carmel Valley, California

Why settle for a photo with The Grand Canyon as your background when you can trail there. A train along the Robinson Canyon will make you see a variety of views that are unique to the area. Of course, the canyon and the plateau will excite you, but there’s a beautiful and peaceful countryside as well that can lead you to giant, red sequoias. (Did you know that the sequoias are the most massive trees in the world?)

South America

Patagonia (shared by Argentina and Chile)

Bike to the end of the world! Patagonia leads you to the Andes Mountains, one of the best and most undisturbed natural hikes and trails in the world. The opportunities are endless. You can go from sprawling springs to large green hills up to snowy mountains! End the day in a lodge by the Andes River, and you can say, “Oh what a life this is!”

You Can Go Alone or With Company

These places are just examples, as there are many more fantastic bike trails for you to come up with a bucket list. Take a calendar or planner now and plot out which of these trails you think you can (and would) like to achieve for the coming year. You can make it either a solo trip, one with your loved one or family, or even with your buddies. The best part is – you get to travel and see the world as well!

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