Home Food and Recipes Selamat Makan at Toko Oen, one of the oldest restaurants in Semarang,...

Selamat Makan at Toko Oen, one of the oldest restaurants in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

I lived in Semarang for more than 6 years now. Deep within my heart, I feel like it is already my hometown. I love every single thing about this city especially the culinary parts and the not so crowded ambiance.

Today I would like to share to you one of the interesting places you must visit when you are in Semarang. TOKO OEN. Located in Jalan Pemuda, one of the oldest street in Semarang, Toko Oen was built 76 years ago ( in 1936 to be exact ), how amazing it could survive through any kind of political issues in Indonesia during independence day in 17 Agustus 1945. This legendary restaurant serves Chinese, Indonesian and European cuisine. Toko Oen is quite pricey but still affordable. Here are some items of their menu ( with it’s current price )


Menu :

Indonesian Food ( main course )

1. Gado-gado (an Indonesian salad of mixed vegetables dressed with peanut sauce.) Rp 19.000
2. Tahu Campur ( fried tofu combined with mix vegetables dressed with the
caramelized fermented shrimp pasted, Petis) Rp 19.000
3. Sate Ayam/Babi ( chicken/pork satay served with peanut sauce ) Rp 33.000
4. Nasi goreng special ( widely popular Indonesian fried rice ) Rp 31.500



European Food ( main course )

1. Wiener Schnitzel Rp 70.000
2. Cordon Bleu Rp 74.500

Chinese Food ( main course )

1. Kwetiauw goreng special ( special fried kwetiauw ) Rp 32.500
2. Cap Cay Goreng ( fried mix vegetables ) Rp 35.000

This restaurant is also famous for its homemade ice cream. The taste of the ice cream is so unique with wide a wide variety of taste. One of the most famous ice cream that is quite legendary is OEN’s symphony, make sure you order this when you are in Toko Oen.


On my last visit to this place, I started with poffertjes ( traditional dutch baby pancakes). You may choose chocolate poffertjes, cheese pofertjes or a mix of both. I like these poffertjes a lot, it’s a splendid way to enjoy an appetizer as the portion is not too small but also not too big. After indulging my tastebuds with the good taste of poffertjes, I continued with Tahu Campur ( fried tofu combined with mix vegetables dressed with the caramelized fermented shrimp pasted (petis ). Somehow Tahu Campur in Toko Oen is slightly different from the common Tahu Campur in Indonesia, since it is using peanut sauce instead of shrimp pasted as condiment. But it is still fabulously fresh. I had rum raisin ice cream for dessert, this choice prove to be stood out because of it’s sweet taste of raisin and slightly capture the essence of rum.



Overall, Toko Oen is like a glimpse of Indonesian mixed culture reflected in a beautiful restaurant. The choice for food are plenty, the place is so antique. I also did notice most of the waiter/waitress here are old, seems that they are already working in Toko Oen since years ago.
Selamat makan!!

/// Written by Litha Purtanti