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Travel Galore in Subic

The summer getaway is one of the most exciting days in the calendar year. Travel galore, island-hopping and beach party are only a few of the things you can do to escape the busy city and spend lovely days with your family, friends and colleagues. But if you are still have not decided where to go, let me take you to one of the best paradise that will melt your heart and not your pocket.

Surfing in Subic

If you are a surfer, you probably have heard about the beautiful beaches in Subic, Zambales located in the West Coast Island in the Philippines. There you will find huge waves that will probably not only amazed you, but will leave you stunned and breathless. Now, the coastal municipality has new attraction which is perfect for travelers, beach bums and alike — the Anawangin Cove.

Anawangin Cove has recently landed the top destination place in the Philippines and there is no doubt about it because the beach is undeniably beautiful and captivating. It is a four to five hour bus trip from Manila and you can drop off in San Antonio, Zambales Wet Market, then ride a tricycle going to Pundaquit bay where boats are waiting for you to take you on Anawangin beach.

Anawangin Cove
Anawangin Cove

Why Subic is good for your wallet

The beach is not crowded so you have ample time to enjoy and watch the ocean waves and not get distracted. If you get tired of sunbathing or maybe you are just someone who is not much a beach lover, then mountain trekking is for you. It will only take you 1 to 3 hours to reach the top and once you get there you will get a perfect view of the whole ocean of Anawangin and the wind breeze will make you feel relaxed and cozy.

But the most amazing thing about this beach is, unlike other beaches where you will rent a cottage or booked a room in a hotel, here you are going to set-up a tent. It is like you are camping on a seaside beach surrounded by pine trees and mountain ranges. How cool is that?

Say goodbye to boring and expensive getaways and hello to this new paradise. Anawangin beach is a place where you don’t only travel and spend vacations, it is a place where you relax and enjoy every moment you spend with your loved ones. There is no better way of travelling than travelling better and wise.