Home Asian Countries Philippines Carmen Chocolate Hills in Bohol, a must see!

Carmen Chocolate Hills in Bohol, a must see!

Bohol is one of the most interesting tourist spots that have too much to offer. You will be amazed of how wonderful Bohol even if you just look at the pictures on the internet. How much more if you visit this place?
CARMEN CHOCOLATE HILLS: This is considered as one of the Wonders of the World. Locals within the island call it “Chocolate Hills” because during the hot summer season, the hills covered in green grass turn brown which make it look the hills are made of chocolate. This was formed long time ago by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rain water and erosion. There are at least 1,260 hills, but there are more hills spread within the area. They are scattered throughout Carmen and in other towns like Batuan and Sagbaya in Bohol. You need to climb up to the 360-degree Observation Deck for you to witness the beautiful landscape of the Chocolate Hills. It’s not too complicated to climb the 200 plus steps because there are metal railings to support you. You can even stop, look around, and take photos if you feel to rest for a while.

HOW TO GET THERE:  There are 2 ways, either as part of a day tour or a separate trip. If you are part of a day tour, the driver or the tourist guide will go with you. However, if you have plenty of vacation time you can go there by your own. From Tagbiliran, you will have to go to the integrated bus terminal in Dao and catch a bus going to Carmen. Just ask the people in the terminal and they will point you to the right bus. You should tell the bus driver to drop you off at the Chocolate Hills. You can also rent a motorbike to reach the destination. Just bring a map with you if you are not familiar with the area.
TIPS: Don’t be fooled by the vendors that sell mineral water. They trick you by saying it’s very tiring and thirsty to go upstairs and you need to buy water from them.  For a day tour, you will just stay there for a maximum of 30 minutes. So, no need to hurry to buy the overpriced mineral water. Just ignore them unless you are really thirsty and forget to bring your own water.
TARSIER SANCTUARY: To see the Tarsiers is one of the tourist agenda if you travel Bohol. This was established to protect the Philippine Tarsier and its habitat from extinction and to also for the locals to somehow uplift their social and economic challenges. After you pay, before you move on to the jungle, there will be orientation of Do’s and Don’ts to protect the Tarsiers. It won’t take long to walk around if you want to see them.
HOW TO GET THERE: This is found in Corella, Bohol. You will stop here if you are part of a day tour. If you are traveling with your own, try to look for a bus that goes to this place, or rent a motorcycle. Again, you should bring a map with you.carmen1

REMINDERS: You should be silent while you observe and don’t use flash when taking photos of the Tarsier because you could scare them to death.
/// Written by Freeda Lyf