Home Food and Recipes Sosis Bakar Jumbo with Various Sauce

Sosis Bakar Jumbo with Various Sauce

Every Sunday morning, Sandy prepares his stuffs accross the Ijen Church in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The longlasting church from Dutch Colonial era seems watching every move he makes in preparing his culinary bussines. After all are set, people around those crossroads come to his temporary booth to taste the latest meal menu in this town.

He sells “Sosis Bakar Jumbo” that means huge size grilled beef sausage. He grills the sausage on the stove and put some sauce after it has been cooked. The sauce will really increase your appetitte since it has many variations; original barbeque, hot barbeque, blackpepper, cheese, curry, and sweat chilli sauce. The custumers choose the sauce they like. Besides adding the sauce that the customers want, Sandy also gives extra mayonaise on each of the Sosis Bakar Jumbo. He uses bamboo sticks to skewer the sausage and serves to the customers in styrofoam plates. The people really enjoy Sosis Bakar Jumbo around the area. They eat it while hiding under the shade of trees from the rays of Morning sun. They sit on the sidewalks with the scene of classic Dutch architectured church in front of them.


Sosis Bakar Jumbo seems a new kind of street food in Malang. It is very rare that any other sellers have the huge sized-sausage like Sandy has. Besides, Sandy also has huge smile and good hospitality to welcome every customers.


I could feel his warmth at that time while I was waiting my sausage to be grilled. I chose the barbeque sauce. I tried to chit-chat little while to get rid my eagerness that I could not wait any longer to taste that huge sausage. He told me that he used every simple things he had to build this business. Even he used his mother table at home to build his booth. He modified every where so he could have this food stand to sell his “Sosis Bakar Jumbo”.

With nice smile he served my order. I took it and went to a place under the tree not far from that spot. I enjoyed every bite. It seemed so small even actually that sausage was so huge. It was so tasty; It was gone not more than 20 seconds. The taste and aroma of the barbeque sauce mix with mayonaise were still stick in my mouth couple minutes after I finished my last bite.
I could not wait to have another Sunday morning to go to a place in front that famous Catholic Church in my town in Ijen’s crossroads to have other “Sosis Bakar Jumbo”. I want to try other delicate sauce available.


/// Written by Gigih Dwiananto, Indonesia