Home Lifestyle and Trends Festivities in Iligan City, Anahaw

Festivities in Iligan City, Anahaw

Don’t say you’ve had the best of Iligan City yet until you see it during the month of September. September has always been a festive month for the Iliganons, or the people of Iligan. This is because September is fiesta time for Iligan.

This is when the city’s people take pride of the city’s history, landmarks, and most especially, its culture which has been preserved and at the same time, protected and celebrated over the many years that have gone by. This historical fact might be unknown to many people but Iligan is actually one of the earliest settlements before the era of the Spaniards. These people who first inhabited the small land were actually native sea dwellers. The most famous saint (as worshipped by the Iliganon Catholics) is the city’s archangel, Senior San Miguel.

The city’s fiesta, in honor of the saint, is celebrated every 29th of September and this has always been a happy celebration for most of the Iliganons, and this celebration is always witnessed at the Anahaw Amphitheatre where cultural dances and adaptations of the folk legends related to the city are presented by different participants from the city itself and even from other nearby cities as well. This dancing competition is called the Kasadya Street Dancing Competition. Every September of the year, this venue becomes alive more than ever as thousands of people come together to witness the most-awaited event of the year.

The Anahaw Amphitheatre is the most ideal place for the biggest celebrations. The place has been homes of many sports events and festive gatherings for a very long time now. Moreover, the place is not only available for big events, it can also be a good place to jog around, to go hiking, or to have a picnic, or even for a sight-seeing since the highest place at Anahaw offers a great view of lligan City. The sight is so wonderful especially during night time as the city lights are clearly seen.

Wondering how the place looks like during afternoons? Well, it’s peaceful and quiet. Thus, it is also a very ideal place for romantic dates. The stage which is led by a few steps, is filled with children playing but the streets lined with trees are quiet and calm. If you are looking for some time alone, the place might be the one you are looking for.

Overall, Anahaw Amphitheatre offers everything you need in a place. Culturally, it is capable of enriching one’s knowledge about the society of Iligan. Socially, it is one great place to meet-up new friends and reconnect with old ones. Whether your mood is happy or gloomy, it is a place that can suit both moods. Come and see Iligan! Start off with the beginnings. Start off with Anahaw Amphitheatre and see for yourself Iligan’s rich culture, rich stories, and even so, rich and spiritually uplifting people with uplifting talents. Run. Have a walk along with the trees. Feel the leaves fall. Be mesmerized by such wonder you never know exists.