Home Asian Countries Indonesia A Small Paradise in Lake Napabale, Indonesia

A Small Paradise in Lake Napabale, Indonesia

If you want to spend your vacation in a wonderful place, lake Napabale could be your next destination. Located 15 kilometers from Raha, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, this lake offers its own uniqueness compared to other ordinary lakes. If most lakes have fresh water, lake Napabale is flowed with salty water. A natural tunnel connects the lake, which is located at the bottom of a hill, to the ocean. Therefore, salty water is running down this exotic lake, making it a unique place to visit.

The length of the tunnel in lake Napabale is 30 meters and the width is 9 meters. At low tide, you can swim or canoe paddling through this tunnel. However, at high tide, you cannot swim in the area because the sea water will cover the tunnel, which makes it quite dangerous. However, you can still enjoy the natural beauty of its surrounding.

For those of you who have diving or snorkeling as your hobby, you can enjoy the underwater enchantment of the lake Napabale. The clear water of the lake allows you to get a good view on the heterogeneous underwater life. Or, you can rent a boat to observe the underwater scenery from above. If you visit this wonderful place at low tide season, you can enter the tunnel to reach the lake Napabale waterfront. This activity will certainly make your vacation more exciting.

In addition to the spectacular scenery offered by lake Napabale, you can also find the colorful life of local residents. Children play and swim in the crystal clear lake. Their joy will make you enjoy the beauty of this small paradise even more. The canoes on the shores become the additional accessories of the lake that enhance its amazing scenery. This lake is a recommended tourist destination for those who are looking for a perfect place for mind refreshing. It is also very easy to reach this beautiful lake. You can simply come to this place by car. The location of the lake that is not too far from the city of Raha allows you to finally arrive to the destination in a relatively short time.



/// Written by Nadia Maharani, Indonesia