Home Asian Countries Philippines Living in a Tropical Paradise Called Palawan

Living in a Tropical Paradise Called Palawan

Sharing you my “Confidently-beautiful-with-a-heart Selfie” when I’m about to try the 800 meters over the ocean zipline of Sabang, Palawan. It was the longest zipline I’ve ever tried and it was an awesome experience! Imagine the thrill, excitement & scenic views put all together! During this time, we also went to see one of the new 7 wonders of the world, (PPUR) Puerto Princesa’s Underground River which is found here in the Philippines, specifically in Sabang Palawan. It was also my first time seeing a lot of bats sleeping upside down when we were inside the cave. I’ve learned a lot also from it’s interesting history and I felt even more proud to be a Filipino. After Puerto Princesa, of course I also grabbed the opportunity to go to El Nido and Coron as well! Among all the places, Coron is my favorite! Our trip in Palawan was indeed one of my most favorite travel experience.

Palawan, the land of the foreigners

When we were in Palawan, there are a lot of foreigners everywhere! I learned from the locals that there are different seasons were different races of people visit them like there are times you see more of Japanese, or Koreans, or Americans etc. From there you’ll know that we have a lot to offer and people all over the world keep coming back! I noticed how Filipinos communicate, welcome & take care of them. As Filipinos, we are known to be multilingual and we speak English very well even those who are unfortunate to go to school. We adapt very well in our environment and our default is being hospitable and helpful, that is why foreigners who goes to our country will really enjoy their stay. More than having to experience the ‘Tropical Paradise’, they get to meet these heart-warming Filipinos just like me.

I grew up in Manila and I am proud that I consider myself as a modern Filipina yet my life’s journey is incomplete without going out there and explore more of God’s creation. It is really my dream to travel the world. I’ve been to another country and yes, I admit It was a great trip. But when I had the chance to travel outside Metro Manila, still inside the Philippines, I discovered that ‘paradise’ I’ve been missing. I know I kept using the word ‘paradise’ and you’re probably thinking that I’m just exaggerating. Believe me or not, I am 101% genuine on this. I haven’t traveled the world yet but some of my friends who were able to travel a lot of countries already say that they still want to travel around the Philippines specially to our numerous beautiful beaches and snorkeling sites! Here in my beloved country, the Philippines, besides having those sun-kissed skin, summer feel photoshoots by the beaches and stopping by the marine life’s park while finding Nemo (I remember whenever I see a clown fish, I say it’s Nemo! Haha ), I’ve also done some mountain trekking, swimming in falls, sightseeing, visiting museums & other historical sites, relaxing at natural hot-springs, riding Kalesa while touring the city, trying out different Filipino delicacies, doing fun cultural activities and meeting new people from different races in just one place! I haven’t traveled the whole Philippines yet but I hope to get the opportunity to do so. 

Sixth contestant The Daily Roar 3rd Writing Contest
/// Written by Karen A. Acut, The Philippines

