Home Hotels and Resorts Senggigi Beach in Lombok

Senggigi Beach in Lombok

You can find a variety of restaurants, bars, discotheques, travel agents, photo processors, money changers, souvenir shop and a range of accommodations starting from budget guest house to 5 star hotels at Senggigi Beach in Lombok. Restaurants and small cafes line the colorful main beach road. Swimming off the beach is also safe. So be ready for pure freedom!

The town of Senggigi spreads out along nearly 10 kilometers of coastal road. This road continues north to Bangsal, port for the Gili Islands. Along the way you will see a fantastic scenery of the north west coast of Lombok. Most travelers start or end their stay at Senggigi because of the easy access to Mataram Airport and accommodations options are available to all budgets. If you are frugal or intrepid and take the slow ferry from Bali, it’s best to arrange transport in advance from the ferry dock to Senggigi, since the dock on the Lombok side is in a remote spot several kilometers south of Mataram.


There are plenty of activities you can do to complete your holiday. Sightseeing or touring organized by reputable local tour operators is the best option to discover what Lombok has to offer. Renting a car or motorcycle is also good alternative to get around, either self-driving, or with a driver so you can relax and enjoy the view. Car rental in Lombok is more expensive than Bali. Tip driver pocket money for meals if you stop for lunch or diner. If you are pleased with service, tip the driver or local guide at the end. If you collide with anything, or it collides with you, you are responsible for all costs.

Services available and their locations.

Senggigi Post Office is located on the main street of Senggigi, opposite from Pamour Art & Antique shop. The Health Centre and the Puskesmas are located near Hotel Puri Saron. Drugstore or Apotik available next to the gate of Intan Lombok Hotel. Dentists are available at Meninting Puskesmas 10 minutes drive from Senggigi towards the direction of the airport.

Bank BNI is available during office hours 5 days a week located near the Post Office. ATM’s (Automatic Teller Machine) are easy to find. ATM BCA, ATM BNI, ATM Mandiri are all available, you can swift your credit card and withdraw the local currency IDR (Rupiah).

The Police office is located in the Senggigi Art Market, near The Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort. Telephone Service (Wartel) available near Melati Dua Hotel. Internet Cafes are: Millenium Internet (opposite Papaya Restaurant) and Star Internet Service located in Senggigi Plaza with dedicated broadband speed at reasonable rates. Cellular phone in Indonesia is GSM and CDMA. If you have brought your cellular handphone, you can purchase prepaid calling cards to make outgoing calls at lower cost than calling on your home SIM. Shops, which sell these cards, are prolific. Major service providers are: Telkomsel, Satelindo and XL Ritel. Look for signs and banners with those markings.

Moneychangers are available almost in every corner of Senggigi. Double count your money before leaving the moneychangers to get the accurate amount. Hotel reception also changes foreign money with lower rates. This should cover all you possible needs when you are in Senggigi. Have a great stay and relax!


/// Written by Khaerul Muslim, Indonesia