Home Culture and Etiquettes Turning my passion of Japanese resto into Javanese resto style, called Angkringan,...

Turning my passion of Japanese resto into Javanese resto style, called Angkringan, Indonesia

My name is Litha and I used to be a sushi addict. My all time favorite meals is salmon sashimi. You may ask all my close friend, they will tell you that I can be so crazy when eating in japanese resto . Minimum 3 portion of salmon sashimi is always on the go, for me only!

But it was like 5 months ago before I know that I am pregnant. Being pregnant means that you eat not for you but also for you baby. And in my case, for my babies ( yes they are twins! ). I choose what I want to eat carefuly , especially I notice the doctor forbid pregnant woman eating raw food. So sadly, that including salmon sashimi. I’m afraid I get toxoplasmosis. My eating behavior before considered not healthy. That’s why on my 4 months pregnancy, I did the blood test and the result is quite good, I don’t have that toxoplasma gondii inside my body. Praise the Lord!


Here I don’t want to share stories about sushi or even toxoplasma gondii. I want to dig in into the story about food resto in javanese style that called ANGKRINGAN. Well for me, javanese and japanese is pronounced similar. Hehehe. Just kidding.

What is ANGKRINGAN? You should come to Central Java to see the ANGKRINGAN yourself, well actually it is originally found in Yogyakarta. It is like food stall, consist of many many traditional food ( for example : satay, fried snacks ) that served in front of you. The word ANGKRINGAN in javanese means “sit back and relax” . So what’s so special about ANGKRINGAN? It is not so special since you can found ANGKRINGAN almost everywhere in Central Java and Yogyakarta especially by the road side. As for me, it is special because my husband loves to go to ANGKRINGAN so much and during my pregnancy I can go to ANGKRINGAN almost every night to get a sip of warm ginger milk. When you go to ANGKRINGAN, you will find what we called nasi kucing/rice cat which is rice in a very small portion with very small portion of side dishes. It’s like the kind of food you feed to your cat ☺. Funny right? It is not just funny, it is extremely cheap! One portion of nasi kucing/rice cat is only IDR 1500. Hot beverages such as ginger ( yay my favorite! ) and various instant coffe and milk are also there for you to choose. You can go to ANGKRINGAN to have dinner or just enjoying casual hang outs with friends in a warm atmosphere. Where else can you find a place that you can stay all nite long , sit back and relax, eat to your heart content with less that IDR 15.000 to spent?


/// Written by Litha Purtanti, Indonesia