Home Asian Countries Indonesia Bromo, The fabulous scenery in Indonesia

Bromo, The fabulous scenery in Indonesia

As we know , Indonesia is in the Pacific ring of fire with many volcanoes are still active. But some volcanoes in Indonesia have attracted many people to visit. If you go to the area of East Java , do not miss to visit the famous tourist destination called Mount Bromo . This attraction is the mountain with a crater that still relatively active and in the year 2010 was closed due to volcanic activity . There are three mountains in the area, they are Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, and Mount Penanjakan. Bromo area located between Probolinggo, Malang , Lumajang , and Pasuruan , can be reached about 3 ½ hours from Surabaya city by car or public transport . The road to Bromo area is not too wide , it can only be passed by two cars crossed . The road also uphill and many turns. Along the way to the location , you will be treated with beautiful views of the countryside, hills , green fields , and cool weather .


Most beautiful thing that always be hunted by the local and foreign tourists from this destination is enjoying the sunrise . Visitors usually come in the afternoon or evening to prepare welcoming the morning sun from the top of Mount Penanjakan (the highest mountain) or from the crater of Bromo . If you want to stay , don’t worry , there are plenty of hotel management and cottages are offered the affordable accommodations. In addition, many local houses are rented to tourists, and the price is cheaper. Around 2 AM, be prepared to get down to the valley. For those of you who want to enjoy the sunrise from Penanjakan, you must rent a jeep which drived by the local driver, it costs of about three hundred thousand rupiahs per car. Many visitors go to Penanjakan because they not only see the sunrise but also see the panorama of Bromo, Batok, and Semeru. But if you prefer to climbing into the crater, you can walk with your group or join other travelers to walk along – together toward a crater. The air before the dawn is very cold and the temperature reaches below 10 degrees Celsius . Therefore , use thick clothes like jackets / coats , gloves , socks , shoes , and scarves . In addition , also bring a flashlight for the torch during the trip as well as for drinking water supplies .

As walking past along of the caldera in the valley of Bromo, will be very dark , no light at all so use a flashlight to illuminate the road around you. Oh , don’t forget to look at the stars that were scattered so many in the sky above you. After walking about three kilometers , you will begin to climb the mountain. Be careful at this part, because you can slip or maybe fall. Take a break on the sidelines of the climb to gather a lot of power, and then continue up the steps to the top of the mountain. Feel fatigue, especially for those of you who are not accustomed to climbing. However, all of that will be paid off when you are at the top of the mountain, where the elevation is about 2300 meters above sea level . During the holiday or peak seasons, there will be many visitors who look forward to the the sun rise from behind the mountain. About half past five in the morning , something which is eagerly awaited by tourists began to show it face . In this fabulous moment, many peoples perpetuate it using their camera. The Violet sun rays from the east .


When it is getting light , you will be absolutely amazed to see what’s around you. The green Bromo volcano crater which occasionally appeared smoke , to the west of you there’s a unique mount Batok. When you look across the valley that you passed earlier, you would feel like on the above of the clouds . The caldera is covered by a thick fog that really amazing. If you look again, there’s a temple for worship of Tengger ethnics who are predominantly Hindu . Sure, Mount Batok and the temple would not be a surprise when you take a trip when the sun shines .

If you’ve had a great view enough from the top of Bromo, you can back down and take pictures in one spot with the most beautiful mount Batok background. The Edelweiss flower souvenir sellers usually will offer their souvenirs to the tourists for Rp . 30,000 to Rp . 40,000 per bundle . Of course you can bargain it. Beside to the Edelweiss seller, you will easily found horse riding services to help you from the crater towards the valley or vice versa . This service is charged Rp . 50,000 one-way in the low seasons, and Rp. 70.000 in the peak seasons. Not only Bromo crater , there are also other interesting objects around the region such as savanna which known as the Teletubbies Hill and the Whispering Sand . You can use tour service to enjoy this trip. The beauty of Bromo will be more amazing when you can feel it directly. You will never regret to see and feel this God ‘s masterpiece in one of the charming part of Indonesia.

/// Written by Risya Aptika, Indonesia