Home Asian Countries Malaysia Kuala Lumpur and her best kept secret

Kuala Lumpur and her best kept secret

Have you ever heard about the Helipad? The Heli what? Yes, the Helipad. During the day a helicopter platform and in the evening a sky bar, how cool is that?

Kuala Lumpur most hidden Sky bar is one of the best places to have a stunning overview of the Twin towers, the KL tower and all the other high rise buildings. All visitors are more than welcome to visit the Helicopter platform from 6 pm to 9 pm without any dress code. No fancy stuff, just wear what you want and enjoy the view with a delicious cocktail, a beer, a glass of wine or a soft drink. After 9 pm there is a dress code and a more expensive menu card (no flip-flops, tank tops, short pants).

What makes this sky bar special? 
The sky bar is not covered and there is no fence around the edge. Only a yellow line on the floor indicates where you can walk so it is perfect to make pictures without any obstacles. Besides that, it is still the best kept secret in Kuala Lumpur. Only a few locals, photographers and expats knows about this bar. So the bar is not overcrowded and there is almost always a place to sit without any tourist jumping from one side to another to get the best picture. And of course, you have a 360 degrees view of the whole city included the Twin towers and the KL tower.



How do you get the best Helipad experience? 
Choose a sunny or at least a day with a clear sky and arrive at the Helipad around 6.30 pm. All visitors have to take the elevator to the 34th floor of Menara KH. There is an bar where you have to order your drink. All drinks are RM 25 (7, 5 USD) except the soft drinks. You can chose between 10 different cocktails (try the “frozen strawberry Daiquiri” this is the best one in the city!), different brand of beers, wine and soft drinks.
Take your drink up to the platform. You have to climb 4 stairs before you reach the platform. Choose one of the plastic chairs, sit down and watch the sunset and see the city turning into a magic light bowl in the dark sky. There are waiters walking around where you can order another drink, they will go and get it for you. Enjoy!

Mon – Wed: 6:00 pm – 12:00 am

Thu: 6:00 pm – 2:00 am

Fri – Sat: 6:00 pm – 3:00 am
Bukit Bintang 34th Floor,
Menara KH
Jalan Sultan Ismail

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

+60 3-2110 5034

/// Written by Janieke Nieboer, Malaysia