Home Asian Countries Indonesia Pasetran Gondo Mayit Beach, A secluded heaven of Blitar

Pasetran Gondo Mayit Beach, A secluded heaven of Blitar

Pasetran means grave. Gondo means smell. Mayit means corpse. A grave with a corpse aroma. Sounds creepy, right? But creepy is a word that doesn’t describe this beach at all. With warm white sand, clear blue water, and since this beach facing the southern sea, it has wave that great for surfing, this virgin beach is a perfect weekend escape for the beach lover.

So, why does it have a super creepy name? No one really knows but there are some stories about the name. Legend says that a long time ago there are a lot of corpses that stranded to that beach and make the beach smell with the corpse. Other people say because there is sacred grave of the guardian of the beach. Actually there is no grave around there and you won’t smell any corpse odour. In fact, the only odour you can smell is a fresh sea breeze.


Pasetran Gondo Mayit beach is one of virgin beach that rarely visited by tourist due to its location. Located 30 km on south Blitar, this beach is between two hills so you will need an extra effort to get there. There are two ways you can get to this beach:

Via Tambakrejo Beach

Tambakrejo beach is the more-famous-neighbour beach because it has an easier access and longer beach line. This beach is pretty busy with fisherman, fish market, local tourist, and local food merchant. On the west side of the beach you will see a hill. Pasetran Gondo Mayit beach is over that hill. It takes around 30 minutes tracking. On the top of the hill you will see breathtaking scenery of the Pasetran Gondo Mayit beach. In my opinion, this is the best spot to take picture.


Via an off road path

You will need local guide if you want to take this way. Since the path is so small you can’t take a car, you will also need motorcycle or cycle or you have to walk around km to get to the beach.


Since Pasetran Gondo Mayit beach is a virgin secluded beach, there are no merchant nearby, so make sure you bring enough food, drink, towel, extra clothes for change, and sun screen. Be careful if you want to swim at the beach because the southern sea is famous for its strong stream, plus there is no life guard around. (dt)

/// Written by Desthi Amalia Nur, Indonesia