Home Food and Recipes Smoked Stingray Semarangan, Indonesia

Smoked Stingray Semarangan, Indonesia

Semarang, one of the capital cities in Indonesia, has lots of special delicious culinary dishes. You can find various food and drinks with different kind of taste in this town. Semarang has been well-known with their significant culinary such as Lunpia, Wingko Babat or Bandeng Presto whereas there are still many kinds of food you can try. When you go and visit Semarang, make sure you have time to taste Smoked Stingray. It is a culinary dish made from smoked stingray, tofu, and eggplant with coconut sauce. This food has a specific taste. The taste of smoked stingray mixed with the coconut sauce is very delicious. There is also a taste of chili and tomato.
Making Smoked Stingray is very easy.

First, prepare the ingredients:

– 6 pieces of smoked stingray,
– white tofu dice it into 8 pieces,
– coconut milk,
– 15 red chili, slice them
– 3 pieces of garlic, slice them
– 6 pieces red onion, slice them
– A tomato, cut it into 8 pieces
– 3 lime’s leaves
– Stink beans
– 2 tea spoons of salt
– A glass of water (or according to taste)

Here is how to make it:

First, sauté the chili, garlic, red onion, tomato, and lime’s leaves until it smells nice. Add some water and coconut milk and wait until it is boiling. Put the smoked stingray, tofu, and cayenne chili into the frying pan. Add some water to make the smoked stingray and tofu drown into the soup. Boil it for some minutes until it lessen a one third of it. When it is done, serve it.
It is quite easy, isn’t it? I am sure you can make one by yourself. For me personally I really like this kind of food. It is spicy and rich of taste. Try for yourself!

/// Written by Tephanie Phe, Indonesia