Home Asian Countries Philippines Cuartel de Oslob, behind the famous butandings

Cuartel de Oslob, behind the famous butandings

Cuartel de Oslob

Cuartel de Oslob made by the Spanish

Have you ever tried butanding watching in Oslob? Have you ever been to other attractions in Oslob? If no, then there is so much more to Oslob that you need to see. During the Spanish era, Cuartel de Oslob was originally built to house the Spanish troops in the area. When the Americans reached the area, the Spanish troops fled and the cuartel was left unfinished. Made with thick coral stones, this unfinished Spanish headquarters stills stands firm and mighty against earthquake and typhoon threats.

With its historic and picturesque effect, Cuartel de Oslob is often packed with tourists and locals: families and friends taking casual pictures and capturing memories and local photographers who are using cuartel’s ambiance as a place for wedding and business shots. With its perfect structure and perfect timing to snap a photo, it will surely add hearts and likes to your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

You can also visit the small museum behind Cuartel de Oslob for free. Old typewriters, old jars, and even an old piano can be seen in the museum. The museum is really small so checking it out will only cost you around 10-15 minutes. Too bad, taking of pictures is not allowed. It would be great to show some friends the old things inside the museum.

Behind the cuartel and the museum lies the long bay with benches and lamp posts. Tourists and locals can enjoy the vast view of the ocean with a hint of strong wind that can literally blow you away. You can sit on one of the cemented benches and enjoy the view with your family and friends.

How to get there?

Oslob, Cebu is found on the Southern part of Cebu. Travel is about 3hrs via private car and bus.

So how do you get to Cuartel de Oslob?

Via Private Car:
With your gas tank full, travel to South of Cebu

Tip: Best to travel at dawn, about 5:00 AM since morning rush hour can add an hour to your travel time.

Stop at Oslob Public Market and turn left towards the Oslob City Hall. Across the city hall is the Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Church; beside it is our magnificent Cuartel de Oslob.

Via Public Bus:

Head to Cebu South Bus Terminal, ride to Oslob, Cebu

Stop at Oslob Public Market and turn left towards the Oslob City Hall. Across the city hall is the Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Church; beside it is our magnificent Cuartel de Oslob.

What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and visit Oslob, Cebu. Swim with the butandings and capture memories in Cuartel de Oslob